Tuesday, April 10, 2012


(As of now I've spent an entire day in Prague, but since I typed it earlier in the day I've decided to leave it as is. More on Prague later!)

As I type this I am siting in a Paris airport awaiting my departure to Prague. Paris has been a whirlwind of sight seeing! My feet are about ready to go on strike but it's been absolutely amazing to discover Paris on foot. The first day we saw the Eiffel Tower, which is just as impressive as you'd imagine and then some. We also saw the Arc de Triomphe and the Sacre Cure where we got an amazing view of Paris. We also got sandwiches on REAL French baguette. How Parisian of us. Wi wi!

Yesterday we spent the morning getting lost in the Lourve. I'm not kidding. That place is so enormous we actually got a little lost. It was so awesome to see the huge glass pyramid and the Mona Lisa with my own eyes. Check yes for another mind blowing experience. (Mona says hey, by the way). After the Louvre we strolled about, poked around the artsy vendor stalls that line the streets (I bought a painting of the Eiffel Tower) and saw Notre Dame. After a little much needed afternoon recovery we stormed the Bastille memorial (Shout out to sophomore year Civ! Looks like I remembered something after all) and went out to dinner with Nigel's friend who's studying studying in Paris. Even though it was cold and rainy and really actually quite gross, we were determined to spend our last night in Paris enjoying some French crepes by the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower lit up at night is breath taking. At the top of every hour the entire tower sparkles. Watching that enormous monument light up against a velvet sky was like watching firework on the the 4th of July. It was incredible. We stood there wide eyed and opened mouth, and suddenly the cold and rain was made so worth it. We very proudly took the STAIRS up to the second floor and the view of Paris was unbelievable. Another experience I'll have with me for the rest of my life.

I've got some great pictures of Pairs, but I decided to leave my laptop at home so you'll just have to wait until I'm home. Looks like you'll have a lot of picture viewing to do! You might want to pencil it in, because it's going to be a large chunk of your time.

In just a few short moments I'll be heading to Prague!! I'm so excited to see what's going on in Czechoslovakia. I've got a pocketful of Czechs just begging to be spent. It's not like I'll use them anywhere else, might as well put them to good use right?

Au revoir!

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